Are you looking to buy a new air conditioner this season?
Air conditioning systems are so popular in the US. Over 5 million air conditioners get purchased every year. But before you settle for the perfect air conditioner for your home, you might want to decide between a central air conditioner and a ductless air conditioner.
The most common air conditioning system in American households is the central air conditioner. However, these conditioning systems are no longer the best way to cool down the house.
Besides being expensive, they consume lots of power and sometimes fail to cool a house. Because of these reasons and others, most people are opting for ductless air conditioners.
Ductless heating and cooling systems can help homeowners save 30 to 40% off energy. Also, they are easy to install and use. And that’s not all! Continue reading to discover the various ways ductless air conditioners can help you save money.
What Are Ductless Air Conditioners?
Although centralized and ductless air conditioners do the same job, they do it in different ways. While a centralized air conditioner uses ductwork to dispense conditioned air throughout a home, a ductless air conditioner does not.
A ductless air conditioner feeds air directly into rooms through dedicated air handling units fitted in every room.
The system comes with a standard outdoor condenser unit. However, the conditioner is not connected via a refrigerant and power line to a single indoor unit like in the centralized air conditioner. Instead, it hooks to a series of smaller blower units installed through the house.
Every blower runs a condensate, refrigerant, and power line out to the condenser. These units then send conditioned air into the room.
How They Help You Save Money
Ductless conditioners can cost more to install compared to centralized conditioners. But they often pay back their upfront fee quickly. That’s because they save the homeowner money via their performance. Here are other ways a ductless air conditioner helps you to save money.
- Effective cooling: In air conditioning systems with ducts, air must travel long-distance along with the ductwork, meaning the air will gain heat along the way. Hence, the air that arrives in different spaces in the house will be warm instead of cool. As a result, the AC will have to run more than often, which increases electricity cost. Because ductless air conditioners don’t use ducts, air doesn’t gain heat before reaching a room.
- No cleaning or duct repairs: Maintenance for ductwork is usually expensive. But it’s necessary if you want to maintain quality indoor air. Ducts with gaps and leaks tend to cause a significant plunge in cooling power and need repairs to restore them. You can avoid such expenses by installing a ductless air conditioner.
- You can customize the system: Ductless mini-split air conditioning systems use individual blowers, meaning you can choose to shut off colling in home spaces you’re not using. This way you get to save on electricity costs.
Benefits of Ductless Air Conditioners
Easy to Install
A major advantage of choosing ductless air conditioners is that they are easy to install. You can install a ductless mini spit within a single day with the help of a professional contractor.
You will only need to make some minor changes to your home. However, you won’t have to open up your home wall or deal with intrusive construction.
Besides that, ductless air conditioners are flexible, and you can install them in areas where it is cost-prohibited to install central cooling.
Ductless mini-splits can provide you with quality conditioned air without damaging the environment. That’s because they’re designed to be energy efficient.
When you’re not using the units, you can turn them off. As a result, you can decrease the amount of electricity used. Also, the system utilizes a zero-ozone depletion refrigerant to further decrease its impact on the environment.
Better air quality
A ductless AC system comes with a multi-stage filtration system. The system works to eliminate dust, bacteria, pollen, and other elements present in the air. Therefore, they improve the quality of air in your house.
The system also eliminates the need for AC cleaning, which can result in allergen emission and dust from your home.
A ductless air conditioner does more than helping you save money. It improves the quality of air in your house, which is essential for better overall health.
But keep in mind that not all homes are fit for a ductless system installation. So, it’s wise to consult a professional air conditioning company first. An air conditioning company will help you determine which air conditioning system is right for your home.
Thank you for your time, and best of luck!