In a perfect world, you will be getting the necessary nutrients from veggies, fruits, and other healthy meals. But, when you reach the age of 50, the body goes through a series of changes, which makes meeting the mineral and vitamin quota much harder.
But, if you watch the vitamin intake, you can improve your bodily functions. For those who are not familiar with the important vitamins for seniors, this guide can help. Here, you will take a closer look at the crucial vitamins that should be part of your dietary regimen.
Vitamins for Seniors in Their 50s
When you get older, maintaining a nutritious and well-balanced meal should be a top priority. The change in digestive function increases gastrin levels, which in turn affects the vitamin absorption rate. This is a typical problem for seniors. But, with proper vitamin intake, you can supplement the body with the key nutrients it needs. Here are the most important vitamins for seniors over 50.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Aging is a physiological process that affects your quality of life. But, it also influences the omega-3 fatty acids intake. A 2012 review showed that omega 3 is a potential key nutrient that can prevent pathological conditions linked to the aging process.
What most people don’t realize is that omega-3 is directly associated with cognition. This is the most abundant fatty acid in the brain’s cell membranes.
The thing is, when you grow older, the brain cells start to slowly lose their ability to absorb DNA. This is starving the system, which eventually compromises memory retention and brain function. Balancing the intake can help with memory, mood, brain cell growth, and blood flow.
- Ideal dose: 1,000 mg of EPA and DHA a day.
- Foods: Edamame, walnuts, seafood, flaxseed oil.
If seafood is not a regular part of your diet, then you may need additional support to restore omega-3 fatty acids. Some people are using supplements to compensate for the lack of fatty fish intake. With products like Nature Made Fish Oil, you can get a supplement that will fit your lifestyle.
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This one uses a combination of vitamins that work together. It is manufactured by a reputable company and has plenty of research to back it up. So, options such as these may not be such a bad idea when it comes to omega-3 deficiency.
Calcium and Vitamin D
Based on reports from the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), bone loss becomes a problem in your 50s. Particularly for the female population. After menopause, the female body creates less estrogen, making it difficult to maintain bone mass. That’s where additional calcium and vitamin D become necessary.
- Ideal dose: 600 IU vitamin D and 1,000 mg of calcium for men or 1,200 mg for women. Divided into 2 doses a day.
- Foods: egg yolks, fatty fish, figs, milk, cheese, yogurt, and beef liver.
Seniors who can’t replenish their vitamin needs usually take supplements. Products like Calcium & Vitamin D by Nature’s Bounty can provide proper bone health and immune support.
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Vitamin B12
Studies show that among the American population, 20% of the elderly (60 years or less) have a mild vitamin B12 deficiency. Whereas 6% (70 years or less) are severely deficient. The problem is, more than 20% of seniors are at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.
Even milder forms of deficiency increase the risk for dementia. That’s because of the lack of proper food intake and degenerative digestive conditions. During your 50s, the stomach acid, which is responsible for absorbing the vitamin, starts to decline. As a result, a higher vitamin intake is vital.
- Ideal dose: 2.4 micrograms a day.
- Foods: sirloin, trout, clams, and beef liver.
In case of a deficiency, it is best to consult with a doctor. But, if you want to amplify the dose with a registered product, then a supplement can come in handy. Like the Nutricost Vitamin B12 supplement. This is a very popular product that utilizes only the best quality ingredients to provide the desired result. The formula is targeted towards stabilizing the vitamin B12 intake and getting the system back on track.
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Final Thoughts
People can’t deny the fact that seniors need to maintain a nutritious and balanced diet. With vitamins, they can take control of their physical and mental health that can be affected by the aging process. But, do have in mind that you need to talk to a doctor or a pharmacist before adding any nutrients or supplements to your diet.
Any drastic diet changes can also interact with your medication or influence your current health state. Overall, the basic knowledge of vitamins for seniors can help you figure out the nutrients you need, including how much and where to get them from. Now that you know what to expect, you can take better care of your body.